May 16, 2024

Let's celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity together!

Intercultural Management

On the occasion of World Day for Cultural Diversity on May 21, Akteos invites you to participate in an interactive and collaborative map!

Let's celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity together!

Why is cultural diversity so important?

“a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is, for humankind, as necessary as biodiversity is in the order of life.”

Cultural diversity is an invaluable wealth. It allows us to discover new perspectives, share diverse knowledge and traditions, and create a more inclusive and understanding world. Each culture, with its customs, its languages, its arts and its stories, contributes to the global mosaic that makes up the beauty of our humanity.

Together, let's create a global cultural mosaic!

If you had to help someone who is unfamiliar with the culture of your country or region understand it better, what element would you choose? Whether it's a cultural symbol that you're proud of, a memorable anecdote linked to your traditions, or another representative element, now is the time to promote your culture by sharing what makes it special to you, and to discover other cultural treasures!

We invite you to share it on our collaborative and interactive map. You can contribute in the form of text, photo, recipe, music, video, or any other form of cultural expression and discover the contributions of others.

Together, let's create a living and inspiring map that reflects the diversity and richness of the world's cultures. Each contribution, however modest, is an open door to discovery, a means of enriching our knowledge and promoting intercultural exchanges. The goal is to foster better mutual understanding and strengthen the bonds that unite us as humanity, so don't hesitate to contribute!

How to participate in our collaborative map?

Easy, quick and anonymous:

  • Click on (+) in the purple circle at the bottom right of the map to add a contribution
  • Enter the location concerned then add text and/or an image, a photo, a video, etc.
  • Finalize your publication by clicking on: Publish

Thank you for your contribution.

You can view other contributions by clicking on the markers on the map or in the list on the left.

Made with Padlet

What is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development?

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is celebrated each year on May 21, following the adoption by UNESCO in 2001 of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to recall the importance of intercultural understanding and to learn to “live together” better. It allows us to celebrate not only the richness of the world's cultures, but also the essential role of intercultural dialogue for peace and sustainable development.

The objectives of World Cultural Diversity Day are to:

  • Promote understanding of cultural diversity
  • Strengthen peaceful coexistence between different cultures
  • Integrate cultural dimensions into sustainable development

It is a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of cultural diversity as a vector of inclusion and constructive change.

World Day for Cultural Diversity provides individuals and organizations around the world with the opportunity to promote the plurality of cultures through various activities, discussions, workshops and celebrations. The emphasis is on respecting differences, resisting the forces of cultural homogenization and valuing the world's cultural heritage as an essential asset for peace and prosperity.

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