Boosting business writing skills in English

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Target audience

Employees and managers who need to communicate in written English


3,00 / 5,00 (CECR : B2)


At the end of the training session, participants will have the tools to:

  • Avoid cultural and linguistic misunderstandings by improving the clarity and precision of their messages
  • Adapt their writing to different contexts by using standard sentences
  • Make their written communication more effective and convincing by using a richer vocabulary

Added value

  • Conducted by an English-speaking facilitator from the business world
  • Teaching method mainly based on oral expression and role plays
  • Practical applications in the learner's professional context
  • Linguistic certification test (in the case of a CPF)


All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities. Each training project will be the subject of a case study by our teams, in order to adapt the training program.


Reviewing the fundamental rules for optimizing written communication in English

  • Identify and eliminate common vocabulary, grammar and syntax errors

Understanding the differences between different types of writing

  • Examine the different types of professional writing (e-mail, reports, articles, minutes, etc.)
  • Acquire the basic elements, key phrases and standard formulas for each type of professional writing
  • Analyze the differences in structure and tone, know how to adapt the level of formality
  • Take into account the cultural expectations of your contact to adapt written communication

Enriching Vocabulary

  • Adapt vocabulary to the communication medium
  • Build a richer vocabulary in Globish to ensure that the message is understood
  • Reinforce the impact of your communication by choosing powerful words

Establishing Best Practices

  • Analyze and apply what you’ve learned to your own writing 
  • Create or adjust new standard documents adapted to your professional context

Intra-company coursesDuration: to define
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