Working with Norway

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Target audience

Professionals who work with Norway


No prerequisite


Significantly increase participants’ effectiveness in their professional relations with people from Norway

At the end of the training, they will have keys to:

  • Adopt an intercultural approach
  • Understand the context and culture of Norway
  • Decipher cultural codes and analyze situations of incomprehension
  • Adapt their communication and working methods
  • Decode decision-making and negotiation processes

Added value


All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities. Each training project will be the subject of a case study by our teams, in order to adapt the training program.


Step 1: E-learning


  • Specify your context and expectations
  • Become aware of cultural filters
  • Discover your cultural profile
Step 2: Group training session

Understanding Norwegian cultural codes

Discovering the cultural basics of Norway

  • The main stages of history: the Vikings, the union of Kalmar then occupation by other Scandinavian countries
  • A small country today among the richest countries in the world in terms of its natural resources
  • An open economic environment to discover

Understanding Norwegian values

  • Respect for the private sphere
  • The value of irenicism and the rejection of confrontation, Jante's law
  • Likestilling: an equal and liberal society
  • The role of nature and its influence in the life of Norwegians

Optimize your professional action with Norwegians

Communicate effectively

  • Building trust over time
  • A communication of the explicit
  • An informal but very productive working context
  • The meaning of words and messages, differences in interpretation

Adopt your working methods

  • Flexitidat the heart of working time
  • Identify the right way to mobilize Norwegians to put them at ease
  • A rigorous labor code, protecting employees

Conducting successful meetings and negotiations

  • Learn to be right on time, meet deadlines to the nearest second, why?
  • Promote co-decision so as not to appear too authoritarian

Adopt best practices

  • Recognize key principles
  • Avoid pitfalls, mistakes and misunderstandings
  • Create a tailor-made action plan
Step 3: E-learning to go further

Explore Country Packs

Develop your knowledge of the country

  • Cultural guidelines
  • Business life
  • Overview

Intra-company coursesDuration: to define
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