Working with Quebec

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Target audience

Company managers and staff working and dealing with the Quebecois


No prerequisite


The aim of this seminar is to significantly improve the participants’ effectiveness in their professional relationships with the quebecois, enabling them to be operational right from the start.
At the end of this training, participants will have acquired insights and techniques to:

  • Be aware of their own cultural baggage
  • Fully understand Quebec’s context and culture
  • Analyse possible situations in which misunderstandings may arise and identify ways of communicating
  • Reduce stress and misunderstandings
  • Decipher and understand decision-making and negotiation processes

Added value


All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities. Each training project will be the subject of a case study by our teams, in order to adapt the training program.


Module 1 : Understanding cultural differences

1. Intercultural awareness: the key to success in international business

  • Taking stock of one's own cultural baggage
  • The basics of effective intercultural management
  • Identifying and going beyond cultural stereotypes

2. Key aspects of Canadian and Quebec's cultures

  • An immense, multiethnic and multicultural country, a land of migration
  • An attractive province three times the size of France
  • The Canadian federation and the province of Quebec: two governing bodies
  • Self-determination for Quebec: a historical issue
  • A free, high quality educational system

3. The impact of values and behaviour patterns on professional dealings and relationships

  • Quebec’s identity: between Americanism and Frenchness
  • The family unit: a cornerstone of society, the impact of religion
  • The work ethic as a core value
  • A monochronic and organized view of time, planning and acting
  • The importance of free space
  • Methodological rationality

4. The corporate world in Quebec

  • American influence or the primacy of free initiative
  • A hierarchical and coordinated organisational structure
  • Efficiency, discipline and precision
  • The role of national and local authorities

Module 2: Succeeding in work with the Quebecois

1. Effective communication with the Quebecois

  • Quebecois French: going beyond the myths
  • The use of English in business circles: a decisive factor
  • Understanding the context in order to effectively get your message across
  • Appreciating the value of explicit information
  • Keeping your distance in order to build and maintain trust

2. Adapting your working methods

  • Effective management: giving praise where praise is due
  • The combination of discipline with a relaxed attitude
  • Decisions taken on a consensual but hierarchical basis
  • Ensuring a wider skills base in order to maximise performance
  • Solving conflicts judiciously: listening and understanding

3. Successful mettings and negotiations with the Quebecois

  • Organizing an action plan
  • Punctuality, conciseness and responsiveness
  • Listening to and respecting partners and suppliers
  • Getting to grips with Quebecois and Federal legal aspects

4. Final handy tips

  • Caution, patience and humility
  • Protocol and etiquette
  • Social standards, gifts, business cards, dress code, etc
  • Sensitive subjects: politics, history, religion
  • Humour: a double-edged sword

Intra-company coursesDuration: to define
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