Module 1 : Successful personal integration in Ghana
1. Cross-cultural awareness : the key to a successful expatriation
- Taking stock of one's own cultural baggage
- Culture shock and the integration process
- Identifying and going beyond cultural stereotypes
2. Key aspects of Ghanaian culture
- A relatively stable member state of the Commonwealth
- The impact of British colonization
- A multiethnic and tribal society
- A complex political situation
3. Ghanaian values and behaviour patterns
- The importance of patriarchal values
- Looking beyond the stereotypes: The role of Ghanaian women
- The huge importance attached to private life
- An intrinsically hierarchical society
- The contrasts between rural and urban life
- The importance of religion
- A haphazard view of time
- Irony and teasing
- A rather fatalistic mindset
4. Practical day to day information
- Focus on the host town or city
- Transport, administration, housing, security, hygiene and healthcare
- Social life, leisure activities
- Schools, extracurricular activities, sport
Module 2 : Successful professional integration in Ghana
1. The Ghanaian corporate world
- A paternalistic company structure
- A high degree of formality
- A tradition of professional comradeship and fraternity
- The role of national and local authorities
2. Effective communication with the Ghanaians
- The importance of interpersonal relationships and networking
- The extensive use of gestural and non-verbal communication
- The deceptive ease of explicit communication
- English, dialects, and the selection of an interpreter
3. Working with Ghanaian teams
- Goodwill, an open mind and charisma
- Being firm but fair
- Supervising, explaining and understanding
- Encouraging personal and collective success
4. Successful meetings and negotiations with the Ghanaians
- Ensuring flexibility and coherence
- Creating a climate of trust
- Socializing outside working hours
- Attitudes to contracts and their implications
5. Final handy tips
- Caution, patience and humility
- Social standards, gifts, business cards, dress code
- Sensitive subjects: politics, history, religion
- Humour: a double-edged sword