RSE Standard chart
The goal of this charter is to give Akteos commitment about sustainable development a framework that is suited for its activity.
This charter is the founder of a truthful line between economical improvement, social progress, innovation, global solidarity and protection of the individual and of his environment.
Akteos goal
Akteos aims to put into light the diversity as a plus of a company.
With this in mind, Akteos helps its clients to integrate the intercultural way in change management.
With a high conscious of what implies the sustainable development for all national and international firms, Akteos commits itself to put into practice the sustainable development rules on a social, economical and ecological way in its functioning as in its training courses.
Social commitment
Akteos and its staff is commited to put into practice a corporate culture and a business ethic.
- Respect men and women who work within the company
- Take into account their collective and individual needs
- Integrate the foundation of the equality
- Struggle against any behaviour that could be associated to discrimination
- Enhance the diversity
- Promote equal opportunities principle
Economic commitment
Akteos put into practice eco-friendly rules to reduce the energy and the materials consumption.
- Limit heating and air conditioning system of the offices
- Turn off the lights and the computer system when not used
- Use a low consumption light
- Decrease the use of prints and copies according to great practices of IT Green
- Print the presentations on demand only
- Decrease the number of training documents printed and use virtual documents
Environnemental commitment
Akteos put into practice an approach that respect the ecology as eco-transportation, material ressources management and waste management.
- Sensitive people to great eco-practices and great behaviours
- Develop the knowledge of each person to its own economical ecoloy
- Prefer the use of public transports
- Buy and use eco-friendly goods
- Work with an green printer ('imprim'vert' certification) for brochures, catalogues, leaflets and other communication documents
Sustainable performance
The principle of the sustainable development integration in corporate cultures is highly important to protect the eco-system and the individuals. The knwoledge of this ecological issues must be spread within the training first.
- Adapt the training offer to the different steps of the social and professional life
- Proopose training that help the company development to cope with the professional and economical changes
- Support the geographical, cultural, professional and social mobility
- Put into practice an educational approach that helps autonomy
- Follow the company and the staff after the training
- Raise the skills level putting into practice certifications
- Take into account the knowledges that come from professional and life experience and promote the VAE
Statement from the business manager
I am convinced of the merits of our approach for Akteos, which is committed to protecting society and the individual, to defending its values, to building quality sustainably with the full support of all employees.
I am committed to being the guardian and guarantor of our sustainable development approach which now involves us all on a daily basis and which we have associated with our quality approach under the title "LET'S IMPROVE TOMORROW."