Disability and inclusion: a challenge for companies
Despite progress, access to the labor market for people with disabilities continues to face numerous challenges. However, companies have everything to gain from recruiting employees with disabilities.

The challenges and the determining role of businesses in inclusion
Visible or invisible, disability has a considerable impact on the professional career of the people concerned. In France, for example, the employment of people with disabilities is still lagging behind. 14% of them are unemployed, double the national rate. Worse, 63% of job seekers with disabilities have been unemployed for more than a year, compared to 51% for all people looking for work. However, even if much remains to be done, the professional integration of people with disabilities is progressing in France: 78% of companies currently employ at least one person with disabilities.
Among the large organizations committed to inclusion is La Poste, which is the leading employer of people with disabilities in France with 14,000 postal workers concerned. In addition, this Group participates in awareness and communication actions in favor of the employment of people with disabilities (Duoday, internal trophies, awareness campaigns on diversity, etc.).
We can also cite the Casino distribution group which hires more than 9% people with disabilities and which even goes so far as to educate its customers in stores about the benefits of this recruitment policy. For its part, Indeed has formed a partnership with the SOS group to encourage companies to recruit effectively without discrimination, based solely on the skills and competencies of each individual. The idea is to achieve a more transparent job market.
These companies advocate professional inclusion because hiring people with disabilities proves to be a real driver of innovation, a source of loyalty and motivation for their teams, as well as an undeniable lever for social and economic performance.
Recruit motivated and motivating people!
Surveys confirm it: people with disabilities are considered by their employers to be more conscientious and more loyal to their company, according to Agefiph. They are recognized for their voluntarism, motivation and strong capacity for adaptation. Furthermore, a large majority of employees working with a person with a disability perceive them to be efficient. Faced with unique challenges in their daily lives, people with disabilities develop more adaptability and creativity skills and are thus better prepared to meet all challenges in the professional environment.
Recruiting a person with a disability is also a source of enrichment for all employees. Their inclusion in the company allows them to defy prejudices and preconceived ideas around disability in general, and can be a source of inspiration and motivation for their colleagues. Many people who have a disabled employee say that it is an enriching experience that gives meaning to their missions. Consequently, hiring a person with a disability promotes cooperation, team spirit and commitment among all employees.
Promote creativity and innovation
The presence of people with disabilities in the company can encourage reflection on the organization and working conditions, training, ergonomics of positions, and even the optimization of certain processes.
Their ability to develop creative solutions can inspire new approaches and innovative ideas that benefit the entire organization. In addition to improving accessibility, people with disabilities can also encourage the adoption of universal design principles aimed at creating products and services accessible to all.
By providing a diversity of perspectives, the presence of people with disabilities enriches the thinking and approach to problems, and can positively impact all teams in terms of productivity, efficiency and quality of life at work. .
Affirm your social responsibility
When it comes to diversity and inclusion, businesses have a major role to play. By recruiting and integrating employees with disabilities into their team, companies give meaning to their discourse on social responsibility by rejecting preconceived ideas regarding disability.
Beyond respecting the legal framework, acting for the inclusion of people with disabilities also means giving yourself the opportunity to diversify your teams and promote equal opportunities. Companies therefore have every interest in becoming involved as a socially responsible actor because this contributes to the development of a caring corporate culture, the promotion of their employer brand and thus the attraction and retention of new talents. from all walks of life.
So why, despite these undeniable advantages and opportunities, are we still seeing such a delay in the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of work?
Among the many complex factors to take into account, we can cite the persistence of stigmatization and discriminatory prejudices deeply rooted in the collective unconscious. Efforts in terms of awareness, communication, information and training are still necessary to change mentalities.
To support companies in the recruitment and inclusion of people with disabilities, organizations, such as Agefiphin France, offer financial assistance and services to facilitate the consideration of disability in their HR policy.
Disability is just one of the many discrimination criteria that companies fight against as part of their diversity and inclusion policies. The fight against discrimination due to age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or even ethnic origin are also strategic issues which require the implementation of concrete and adapted actions so that each individual feels integrated and valued.