Attend a training course
You evolve in an international environment, you will go on an expatriation, you work at distance with foreign cultures, you manage intercultural teams, etc.? You are aware of the stakes reflected by the different cultures and you wish to be train to be able to work better with different cultures.
Akteos suggests intercultural trianings and an online tool that will support you anywhere in the world.
The Nomad Profile will allow you to create your cultural profile, compare it to other cultures and to discover numerous informations on countries that interest you.

1. Choose your intercultural training
2. Get approval from your employer
3. Register online
4. Learn about the proceeding
5. Access to your participant area
6. Prepare and extend your training on Akteos Academy
Finance my training
As part of the training plan
You can ask to follow a training intended in the training plan of the company.
- The law imposes no procedure:The request and response are expressed freely, acconding to the needs or to the treaty provisions that may exist in your company.
- If your employer accepts, your departure in training stays assimilated to your normal employment contract execution.
Training cost
The training and additional costs (catering, accommodation…) are at the company's expense. The amount of the training allowance is attribuated to the company's training budget.
Training plan
The training plan gathers all the training actions determined but the employer under the company's policy management:
- actions to ensure the employees adaptation to the work station or related to the development or to the maintainance of employment in the company
- actions having for objective the development of the employees skills
An employee cannot refuse to follow a training in the training plan except in certain cases (skills assessment, modification of labor contract, outside of working hours).